
Our Butleigh Curriculum Intent

It is our intention to build the foundations of lifelong learners by developing children’s curiosity, creativity and strive for them to be active participants in their learning.  

We have created a four year whole school curriculum which is based on a lead learning question which is different in each class. We teach the skills and knowledge throughout the half term to ensure that the children are able to answer the key question. This includes teaching children the discipline knowledge (how to be a historian) and the substantive knowledge (key facts about a specific area e.g. The Egyptian’s built the pyramids in Egypt) that children should learn within each discrete subject area.

Our curriculum is progressive so children will learn more complex skills and knowledge as they move through the key stages. Our school vision and values are threaded through our curriculum enabling children to aspire to be their best self in all areas 

How we Implement our Intent

We enrich our curriculum with real experiences which allow children to develop their learning behaviours to become successful learners and focus on promoting our core values-respect, cooperation, courage, happiness, kindness, honesty. Within our 4 year cycle, we use a range of engaging topics which cover the National Curriculum objectives and demonstrate examples of our core values. 

  • Respect – We support all children to develop their own ideas and we listen and respect everyone’s opinion. 
  • Cooperation – We enable children to learn to work together to discuss, explore and investigate different areas of the curriculum 
  • Courage – We will support children to take risks and challenge themselves through a well planned curriculum
  • Happiness – We plan a range of experiences which are engaging and stimulating which children find fun and engaging
  • Kindness – We promote kindness through the curriculum by enabling children to find examples of kindness and share this with their peers. 
  • Honesty – We plan and model how honesty is an important value through the experiences and knowledge that we share. 

We are very fortunate to have wonderful grounds including a playing field, a pond, two playgrounds and forest school area and experienced staff which enhance our curriculum.

All children will have at least one-half term of forest school coordinated by our Forest School leader, Mrs Higdon.

Key Stage Long Term Planning

Whole School Overview215kb2023
Key Stage One710kb2023
Key Stage Two880kb202

Year B 2024-2025

Spring 1 2024-25

PDF DocumentApprox size Date
Kenya Overview694KB2025
Topic key skills200KB2025

Autumn 2 2024-25

PDF DocumentApprox size Date
Landscapes overview842KB2024
Topic key skills188KB2024

Autumn 1 2024-25

PDF DocumentApprox SizeDate
Egyptians overview733KB2024
Topic key skills163KB2024

Year A 2023-2024

Summer 2 2023-24

PDF DocumentApprox SizeDate
Olympics overview725kb2024
Topic Key Skills – Olympics200kb2024

Year A – Summer 1

PDF DocumentApprox SizeDate
How does your garden grow overview1.3mb2024
Topic Key Skills – How does your garden grow130kb2024

Year A – Spring 2

PDF DocumentApprox SizeDate
Coast to Coast Overview825kb2024
Topic Key Skills – Coast to Coast240kb2024

Year A – Spring 1

PDF DocumentApprox SizeDate
Magical World Overview800kb2024
Topic Key Skills – Magical World250kb2024

Year A – Autumn 2

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Frozen Planet Overview1.2mb2024
Topic Key Skills – Frozen Planet190kb2024

Medium Term Plans for Year A – Autumn Term

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Beautiful Butleigh Overview200kb2024
Topic Key Skills – Beautiful Butleigh200kb2024

The subjects we teach

Select from the following subjects to read curriculum overviews:

Curriculum Enrichment