Subject: English

English Intent  

We will ensure that all children develop the foundations of speaking, listening, reading and writing starting in our nursery through the the EYFS communication and language, literacy and the physical development to preparing our children for the next steps in these areas in both Key Stage 1 and 2. 


Speaking and listening

From Reception, we plan for opportunities for children in all year groups to develop their speaking and listening skills across all areas of the curriculum. 


Reading is taught in a range of ways to ensure that children have secure word reading to become confident, fluent and accurate readers and develop their comprehension skills. We use guided reading, where we focus on a range of comprehension skills such as inference, prediction, summarising and understanding language and effect. We ensure that children are re-reading their books to ensure that are developing their fluency and accuracy. 


We use the systematic synthetic phonics program, Read, Write, Inc to read early reading in Reception and Key Stage One. Our trained staff follow the Read, Write, Inc. program and we use the reading books to ensure that children are practising the sounds which they have learnt. We assess their progress and plan interventions to support all learners. 


We based our writing around a rich text. We provide opportunities to develop their vocabulary and understanding of the text before we focus on teaching skills focusing on the word level, sentence level and text level skills working towards creating an independent writing opportunity at the end of the unit to ensure and practice the skills they have learnt. Discrete handwriting and spelling is taught from Reception with the expectation that children will form their letters correctly by the end of Reception. Generally grammar is taught with a writing learning journey where possible. 


At each stage children have developed secure and deep understanding of mathematical concepts that they are able to apply within a range of contexts. Children are able to use correct vocabulary and be able to see relationships and make connections to support their reasoning.


Children record their writing journeys in individual workbooks. Pupils are encouraged to present their work clearly and using the guided lined books from Reception to Year 4 as needed and lined books from Year 4 as needed.  Children are encouraged to orally rehearse their sentences, write and finally check for sense. The english work is marked regularly in line with the school marking policy, giving the children feedback and learning points and pointing out.


Teachers use talking pairs and class discussion as part of their summative assessment. At the end of each taught unit there is an ‘end of unit’ independent write . Each term, a formative reading test is carried out to support a teachers’ assessment for comprehension and teachers use this information to ensure children have secure knowledge before moving on. Teachers use the schools assessment document to assess whether children are on track for that point in the year.  Reading and Writing results and performance in class is discussed with the headteacher at the termly pupil progress meetings and any children underperforming will be grouped for interventions, where possible, to close gaps early on.


On our annual reports, which are given to parents at the end of the year, a judgement will be made regarding their child’s attainment in Reading and Writing relating to the national curriculum for their year group.

Monitoring English

The curriculum leaders matches planning with the evidence in books, through learning walks, speaking to pupils about their learning and discussing with colleagues what has gone well as well as any lessons learnt. The curriculum leader liaises with the English link governor and meet regularly as well as reporting to the governing body on progress.