Subject: Maths

Maths Intent  

At Butleigh C of E Primary School it is our intention for all children to:

  • become resilient, fluent mathematicians who are able to problem solve and reason mathematically.
  • be fluent in performing written and mental calculations.
  • have the opportunity to develop a passion and curiosity for mathematics.
  • be encouraged to make connections and apply their skills and knowledge across other curriculum areas.
  • have the ability to show initiative in solving problems in a wide range of contexts, including the new or unusual.
  • have the ability to embrace the value of learning from mistakes, using growth mindset.
  • be able to speak and explain their mathematics using correct mathematical vocabulary and full sentences
  • to have a broad range of skills, knowledge and ability in maths to enable them to be competent at secondary school and in the work place beyond.

We aim for Butleigh children to be mathematicians who:

  • Understand mathematical concepts and make connections in maths
  • Have fluent knowledge and recall of number facts and the number system
  • Have the ability to solve problems in a wide range of contexts
  • Persevere in the face of a challenge
  • Understand the value of growth mindset and learning from your mistakes
  • Have the ability to reason and make sense of solutions
  • Can communicate using the correct mathematical vocabulary
  • Have fluency in performing written and mental calculations



All children will follow the Mathematics National Curriculum 2013.  We use the White Rose scheme to teach maths from Reception to Year 6. We focus on developing fluency in number to rapidly recall key fact and use and apply them to solve problems. We teach daily maths lessons across the school and ensure that all areas of mathematics are covered. We plan for purple challenges for all children to complete. We recap and revisit previous learning to allow children to make links and connections.


All children are supported in their understanding through the use of concrete, pictorial and abstract materials, available in all classes.

Children throughout the school are encouraged to use the correct mathematical vocabulary in full sentences to help them with their reasoning of maths.


Misconceptions and difficulties are identified and are addressed within the same day/week to ensure that gaps in understanding are addressed.

Progress is measured through summative and formative assessments. Interventions such as Number sense and SATs booster sessions are included where needed.

Mental maths fluency

Alongside daily mathematics lessons an additional 15 minutes a day is spent focusing on fluency. We use the online program such as “Times Table Rockstars’ and ‘IXL’ in Key Stage 2 to support children’s fluency.

Calculation policy

The teaching follows the school and CLP calculation policy and mental maths policy for maths progression through the year groups. 

Staff training

The maths coordinator will keep staff up to date with new maths initiatives and ideas, resources and training (nationally and CLP). The maths coordinator will attend regular maths update meetings and keep the staff informed.

Support Maths at home 

We use Numbots and TTRS to allow children to practice their facts both at school and at home.


At each stage children have developed secure and deep understanding of mathematical concepts that they are able to apply within a range of contexts. Children are able to use correct vocabulary and be able to see relationships and make connections to support their reasoning.


Children record their mathematics in individual workbooks. Pupils are encouraged to present their work clearly and using the squares for digits. Children are encouraged to write answers in full sentences where appropriate. The maths work is marked regularly in line with the school marking policy, giving the children feedback and learning points and pointing out mathematical as well as English errors. Misconceptions are picked up and corrected individually quickly.


Teachers use talking pairs and class discussion as part of their summative assessment, as well as whiteboards and show me. At the end of each taught unit an ‘end of unit’ check test is completed. Each term, a formative test is carried out and teachers use this information to ensure children have secure knowledge before moving on. Maths results and performance in class is discussed with the headteacher at the termly pupil progress meetings and any children underperforming will be grouped for interventions, where possible, to close gaps early on.


On our annual reports, which are given to parents at the end of the year, a judgement will be made regarding their child’s attainment in Maths relating to the national curriculum for their year group.

Monitoring Maths

The curriculum leader matches planning with the evidence in books, through learning walks, speaking to pupils about their learning and discussing with colleagues what has gone well as well as any lessons learnt. The curriculum leader liaises with the maths link governor and meet regularly as well as reporting to the governing body on progress.

Maths Documents

PDF DocumentApprox SizeDate
Long Term Maths Progression Grid1.5mb2023