RE Intent
In our school our Christian vision shapes all we do.
Aspire to be your best self by Living, learning, growing together in God’s love
Religious education in a Church school should enable every child to flourish and to live life in all its fullness. (John 10:10). It will help educate for dignity and respect encouraging all to live life well together.
RE Statement of Entitlement from the Church of England Education Office Feb 2019
Our Christian values are embedded throughout our curriculum and provision.
Forgiveness, Courage, Cooperation, Honesty, Courage, Kindness
We teach RE every week in specific lessons which are planned using Understanding Christianity syllabus. We teach mainly Christianity but ensure that we teach a range of other religions. We follow a 2 year cycle in both Key Stage One and Two.
There are 8 Christian concepts which are taught in Primary School:
- God
- Creation
- Fall
- People of God
- Incarnation
- Gospel
- Salvation
- Kingdom of God
We focus on 3 key areas in our teaching:
- Making sense of the text (understanding what the Bible says).
- Making connections (could be about other faiths / what children believe themselves / charity work that the school does etc).
- Understanding the impact (examining the ways that Christians respond).
Children develop their knowledge and understanding of key concepts. Children develop a good understanding of different Christianity and other religious symbols, ceremonies and concepts. Children feel confident to ask questions to further their understanding and help to understand key religious concepts and understand our core Christian values.
Recording of lessons will take place in our floor book or in our RE book across all year groups. Work will also be documented through displays, website pictures and celebrated in assemblies. Work may be displayed in other areas of the school and the church.
On our annual reports, which are given to parents at the end of the year, a judgement will be made regarding their child’s attainment in RE relating to the national curriculum for their year group.
Curriculum leader to collate evidence including analysing how planning matches the evidence in books, learning walks, speaking to pupils about their learning and discussing with colleagues what has gone well as well as any lessons learnt. Our Foundation Governor will monitor and challenge the subject leader.
Key Religious Education Documents
PDF Document | Approx Size | Date |
RE – Progression of Knowledge Skills and Understanding PD | 170kb | 2023 |
RE LT plan Butleigh C of E Primary School 22-23 | 320kb | 2023 |