Headteacher Welcome

Welcome to Butleigh Church of England Primary School.

Butleigh Church of England Primary School is a beautiful small village school set in stunning grounds with a pond and forest school area in the Somerset countryside. Together, with our families, Governors, children and staff we have created an inclusive and caring school that develops the whole child.

Our vision to aspire to be our best self by living, learning and growing together in God’s love is at the heart of all our learning opportunities and has driven our aspirational curriculum that develops knowledge and skills. We have high aspirations of all our children in both their academic and personal development.

Our inclusive Christian ethos creates an environment built upon our core values of-honesty, forgiveness, courage, cooperation, respect and kindness underpin all that we strive to achieve and support our children to be excellent citizens.

We pride ourselves in developing a strong community as we work closely with our families, Governors and staff and children.

We build the foundations of lifelong learners by developing children’s curiosity, creativity and strive for them to be active participants in their learning.

I invite you to browse through our website and our view our weekly newsletters to familiarise yourselves with our school a little better. We warmly encourage visits to our lovely little school, and we invite you to come and visit us when the children are working, so that you can see first-hand the rich learning environment that our staff work so hard to create.

Please contact the school directly with any queries or if you would like to book a tour please contact us as we would be delighted to take the time to show you and your family around our beautiful school and nursery. 

Mrs Kristin Moth


Our Butleigh Brilliance

Our Butleigh Brilliance motto underpins our vision and values and supports us to understand the importance of treating others fairly. We are committed to nurture all the young people and support them to become lifelong learners who grow in self-esteem and independence and in building a strong sense of fairness and social awareness through our vision to be your best self by living, learning, and growing together in God’s love.

While aspiring to be our best self, we all always striving to show our Butleigh Brilliance.

Our Butleigh Brilliance is our 4 expectations to:

  • Be kind
  • Be respectful
  • Be safe 
  • Be ready 

We pride ourselves in our strong community links to St. Leonards Church and the wider community of Butleigh as well as St. Peter’s in Kenya. Our inclusive Christian ethos creates an environment built upon our core values of kindness, respect, courage, cooperation, forgiveness and honesty. It is this positive learning environment which enables our children to develop and grow becoming life-long learners, having high aspirations in both their academic and personal lives.

Over recent years our school has been involved in several successful projects to provide funds for our friends at St. Peter’s in Kenya for food, schooling, buildings and much more. We take part in a range of charity events to support child in the UK and around the world such as Child in Need and Red Nose Day. 

There is a wonderfully supportive parent’s group (Friends of Butleigh School – F.B.S) which provides opportunities and enrichment for our children that enhance our curriculum and school environment. It is a family friendly, welcoming group which is open to all parents/guardians of Butleigh pupils and one which celebrates those skills and talents each member brings. The FBS help to raise money for school projects and events.