School Values and Vision

Butleigh C of E Primary School offers creative and engaging learning experiences within our safe and rich environment. Every child at Butleigh Primary School is valued and we encourage each child to flourish in a supportive and stimulating environment as we believe in empowering every children to achieve their full potential. 

Community is at the heart of our school. Our staff, governors, parents and our children create our inclusive school community. Our skilled staff know our all our children and families extremely well and we work together to build a strong community to enrich the learning for our pupils. 

We are lucky to have a number of supportive volunteers from our local area who regularly visit the school. 

Our school vision is at the centre of everything we do. 

Aspire to be your best self by living, learning and growing together in God’s love’ 

This underpins our teaching and learning, and provides an environment which prepares our pupils as respectful, kind and happy citizens where children can develop and show their Butleigh Brilliance. 

Children at Butleigh are taught in small mixed aged class sizes which means we are able to tailor the learning to best suit each child’s needs. We value and use our outdoor space in many ways including Forest school sessions for all children throughout the academic year. 

  • In our Christian school, we are all different and special
  • We work together and show respect for one another
  • We listen to others and think about their feelings
  • We take care of our school but we also think about and help others outside

Our Christian Values

Each half term, we focus on a one of our school values as the main focus for our assemblies and the overarching concept weaved into our curriculum. 

  • By being kind
  • By being fair and respectful
  • By being courageous
  • By showing forgiveness
  • By being honest
  • By co-operating with others.

Our Butleigh Brilliance expectations

Our Butleigh Brilliance motto underpins our vision and values and supports us to understand the importance of treating others fairly. We are committed to nurture all the young people and support them to become lifelong learners who grow in self-esteem and independence and in building a strong sense of fairness and social awareness through our vision to be your best self by living, learning, and growing together in God’s love.

While aspiring to be our best self, we all always striving to show our Butleigh Brilliance.

Our Butleigh Brilliance is our 4 expectations to:

  • Be kind
  • Be respectful
  • Be safe 
  • Be ready