Our Christian Values in Action

To learn more about our school vision and values please click here.

Cooperation, courage and respect shown at Mill on the Brue – year 5 and 6 Summer 2022

Courage, cooperation, respect and kindness used to perform Shakespeare Rocks and Rock Bottom KS2 plays

Our friendship bench – kindness, courage, forgiveness, honesty, respect.

Value Days

We hold regular ‘Value’ days to truly remind ourselves of what the Christian values mean to us in our daily lives.

On our Courage day, we learnt the story of David and Goliath from the old testament and how David had courage and faith. The children created art work inspired by the story, made short drama presentations and wrote a class prayer and personal reflections. At the end of the day we were joined by special guests and all children took part in a whole school presentation. 

Below are some photographs of our day.

Celebrating and respecting our Queen as the head of the Church on her Jubilee